Data from: ARAJO, P. C. de.; FHR, F. A produo cientfica sobre plgio indexada na biblioteca Digital SciELO. In: CONGRESSO DE DIREITO DE AUTOR E INTERESSE PBLICO, 14., 2020. Anais... Curitiba: GEDAI/UFPR, 3 a 6 nov. 2020. Authors: ARAJO, Paula Carina de; FHR, Fabiane. Data file: corpus.csv Description of the set of papers collected and selected from de database SciELO on September 13th 2020. Details for column names: Key: code number of the paper at SciELO Item Type: type of document Author: authors of the papers Title: title of the papers Publication title: title of the journal ISSN: journals International Standard Serial Number. DOI: papers Digital Object Identifier URL: link to the paper at SciELO Abstract Note: papers abstract Date: date of publication Date Added: date of the collection of the paper to the bibliographic manager Date Modified: date of the last edition of the register Pages: pages of the papers Issue: indication of the issue of the journal where the paper was published. Volume: indication of the volume of the journal where the paper was published. Journal Abbreviation: journals title abbreviation Language: language of publication of the journal Link Attachments: link to the papers files Automatic Tags: papers tags added by the author and edited by the researchers that developed this research. Data file: year.csv Details for column names: Year: papers publication year, that are part of the corpus of the research. Papers: number of papers published by year. Data file: type_of_authorship.csv Details for column names: Table 1 Key: code number of the paper at SciELO Item Type: type of document Author: authors of the papers Title: title of the papers Publication title: title of the journal ISSN: journals International Standard Serial Number. DOI: papers Digital Object Identifier URL: link to the paper at SciELO Abstract Note: papers abstract Date: date of publication Date Added: date of the collection of the paper to the bibliographic manager Date Modified: date of the last edition of the register Pages: pages of the papers Issue: indication of the issue of the journal where the paper was published. Volume: indication of the volume of the journal where the paper was published. Journal Abbreviation: journals title abbreviation Language: language of publication of the journal Link Attachments: link to the papers files Automatic Tags: papers tags added by the author and edited by the researchers that developed this research. Table 2 Type of authorship: type of authorship of the set of papers analyzed in the research. Papers: number of papers regarded to the type of authorship Data file: authors.csv Details for column names: Author 1 Author 18: name of the authors of the papers. Data file: most_productive_authors.csv Table 1 Details for column names: Authors: authorsnames Papers: Number of papers published by each author Table 2 Details for column names: Authors: authorsnames Institution: institution of the author Countries: author's country of origin Papers: Number of papers published by each author Data file: language.csv Details for column names: Language: language of publication of the papers Papers: number of papers by language Data file: scielo_collection.csv Details for column names: SciELO Collections: title of the SciELO collections Papers: number of papers by collection Data file: most_productive_journals.csv Details for column names: Journals: title of the journal ISSN: journals International Standard Serial Number. Subject: journalsarea of publication Country: journals country of publication Paper: number of papers published by journals Data file: co-occurrence_of_words.csv Details for column names: Words: words indicated at least two times by the authors as keywords in the papers. Frequency: counting of frequency of words. Total link strength: link strength of each word indicated at least two times in the papers that are part of the corpus of the research. Data file: keywords.csv Details for column names: Keywords: all keywords indicated by the authors in the papers. Data file: corpus_27092020.ris Details for the file: set of registers and metadata of 115 paper retrieved from SciELO and organized in ris format. How to cite this dataset: ARAJO, P. C. de.; FHR, F. (2020). Dados sobre estudo bibliomtrico da produo cientfica sobre plgio indexada na SciELO [dataset]. Base de Dados Cientficos da UFPR.